HOW TO: Set Up Sales Tax
Navigate to ‘Store Management’ from the Main Menu in the top left corner.
- Choose the ‘Point of Sale Settings’ option from the left hand navigation on the left.
- Within the ‘Point of Sale Settings’ page, click the “Tax Settings” tab.
- Then click the “Tax Codes” sub-tab.

In this tab, you can create all of the sales tax codes relevant to the state your business is in. Ex: State Sales Tax rate, County Sales tax rate
- To add you sales tax codes click “+ Add Tax Codes”.

- Enter in the Tax Code name within the Tax Code field
- Enter the corresponding Tax Rate
- If your state requires a luxury tax, use the Over $___ field to set up the appropriate parameters for this tax based on your locations tax rules.
- Use the small + sign to add multiple tax code at one time.
- Click Save