HOW TO: Curated Styles for Customers
This How To will walk you through step by step in order to assign an inventory item(s) to a customer profile through the Curated Styles feature in Poppy.
Their are two ways to use this feature in Poppy, Showroom and in the Customer profile.
How to add an item to Curated Styles via Showroom:
1.) Select Menu Icon in top left corner of Poppy Dashboard
2.) Select Showroom
3.) Search the item that the customer would like to add
4.) Select requirements and Add Customer

5.) After Successfully adding the customer, Select Add to Curated Styles
How to add through Customer Profile:
1.) Select Menu Icon in top left corner of Dashboard
2.) Select Customers icon
3.) Search Customer then select Edit
4.) Select Curated Styles tab
5.) Search for the item, fill in fields and select Add to Curated Styles
*By selecting Edit on the Item added to curated styles, staff may select if the item was a Staff Pick, Customer Pick, Tried On, Favorite, or Purchased. Also, the item can be ranked and displayed in order by category.

For a Training Video on Curated Styles click on the link below