GLOSSARY: Email Template Editing Tools
- Theme Selection: Select the color theme you’d like to apply to your email template. Pre-designed light and dark themes are available for selection or you can select your branded color pallate you previously created within the Settings tab
- Text, Blocks, Buttons & Dividers: Customize the body of your email by dragging and dropping text boxes, buttons, dividers, etc. to the email template. Once added, click into the text area to add text. Additional formatting options, such as linking, text size and color, will appear at the top of the template.
- Text formatting options: At the top of the template box, you’ll see standard text formatting tools to be able to change your font type, text size, and other formatting options. There is also a list of smart fields available for easy use to make your messages dynamic.
- Fill and border colors: Adjust the fill and border colors of a text box, button, etc by selecting one of the color options located here or select the “+” sign to select a new color or enter a specific hex code to be used.
- Need your background of an image or text box transparent? Use the the transparent square under the ‘Fill Color’
- Custom Button Designs: Select the shape and style of the button you’d like to use, then chose where you’d like to link it to via the ‘Link to’ drop down.
- Poppy has some pre-made options for you to use that relate to your appointments settings

- Logo & Branding Images: The logos and images you uploaded into your Settings tab will display within this section for easy drop and drag use. You can also add images on the fly if you have not yet met your image limit for each image type.
- You can have up to 3 Logo images and 12 Gallery images
- Columns: Add columns to your email template by dragging and dropping the selected column option into your email. See additional column layouts by clicking the right pointing arrow next to each column type.