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HOW TO: Use Customer Pickup Workflow

This workflow can help ensure dresses leaving the store are fully paid. This workflow starts after a purchase order has been created.

Receiving the order

  1. Navigate to ‘Purchase Orders’ from the left navigation menu
  2. Find the purchase order with the item you want to mark as received, then click on the action dots to at the far right or the order , and select ‘Receive items’
  3. Within the purchase order, select the Vendor Invoice Date, enter the Vendor Invoice # and click the radio button next to the items image you’d like to receive (this may be automatically clicked if there is only one item on the PO)
  4. Click ‘Save’

Complete Payment and/or Pickup items

If the item is not fully paid for, you’ll need to complete the purchase before allowing the customer to pick-up the item. IF the item is fully paid for you can skip to step 9 in the instructions below.

  1. Navigate to ‘Customers’ from the left navigation menu
  2. Search for the customer ready to complete payment/pickup their item
  3. Click ‘Edit‘ to the far right of their profile
  4. Click the Purchase + Pickups tab
  5. Click on the Sale Order # of the item ready for final payment/pick-up
  6. If there is a balance due, click the green ‘Pay Balance‘ button.
  7. Enter in the final payment amount and tip, then click ‘Record Payment’, then click ‘Complete’
  8. Once completed, you will see a green ‘Pickup Item’ button appear
  9. Click ‘Pickup Items’, select the radio button next to the item that is being picked up
  10. Click ‘Continue‘ at the bottom of the screen
  11. Next, you’ll have the customer sign the release of liability terms, with the payment device, on screen or it can be printed for physical signature.
  12. Once signed, click ‘Complete’

See a quick video tutorial here