HOW TO: Use Customer Pickup Workflow
This workflow can help ensure dresses leaving the store are fully paid. This workflow starts after a purchase order has been created.
Receiving the order
- Navigate to ‘Purchase Orders’ from the left navigation menu
- Find the purchase order with the item you want to mark as received, then click on the action dots
to at the far right or the order , and select ‘Receive items’
- Within the purchase order, select the Vendor Invoice Date, enter the Vendor Invoice # and click the radio button next to the items image you’d like to receive (this may be automatically clicked if there is only one item on the PO)
- Click ‘Save’
Complete Payment and/or Pickup items
If the item is not fully paid for, you’ll need to complete the purchase before allowing the customer to pick-up the item. IF the item is fully paid for you can skip to step 9 in the instructions below.
- Navigate to ‘Customers’ from the left navigation menu
- Search for the customer ready to complete payment/pickup their item
- Click ‘Edit‘ to the far right of their profile
- Click the Purchase + Pickups tab
- Click on the Sale Order # of the item ready for final payment/pick-up
- If there is a balance due, click the green ‘Pay Balance‘ button.
- Enter in the final payment amount and tip, then click ‘Record Payment’, then click ‘Complete’
- Once completed, you will see a green ‘Pickup Item’ button appear
- Click ‘Pickup Items’, select the radio button next to the item that is being picked up
- Click ‘Continue‘ at the bottom of the screen
- Next, you’ll have the customer sign the release of liability terms, with the payment device, on screen or it can be printed for physical signature.
- Once signed, click ‘Complete’
See a quick video tutorial here