Join us for Poppy Hour, Tuesdays @ 10am PST / 1pm EST— RSVP to Poppy Hour!

Poppy’s Scheduling Assistant

Making sure your calendar stays organized and bookings are easy to do is super important, especially with COVID-19 protocols.

Know your availability and never scroll your calendar looking for an open time slot, again. The Poppy Scheduling Assistant makes booking bridal appointments effortless. 

Book appointments like a wizard!

  • Wizard-like functionality to move you through each step of scheduling an appointment with the least amount of clicks. 
  • Alternative appointment dates, Poppy will suggest another time if the desired appointment date is already taken. 
  • Confirm appointment at booking or send them a notification to confirm at a later date! 
  • Add a note! Ask the bride who will be attending her appointment, when her wedding is or any fun details to make her experience amazing! 
