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Making Data Driven Decisions at your Bridal Store

In today’s world, data drives most, if not all decisions you make at your bridal business. Poppy Bridal software can give you the data you need to make the best decisions for your store. From what vendors to carry or not carry, to where you should focus your marketing budget, here are a few Poppy’s reports that can help give you the insight you need to grow your business.

80/20 Rule

Reports to use:

  • Sales by Vendor
  • Item Sales Trend
  • Top Selling Special Order by Vendor
  • Top Selling Special Order by Item
  • Non-Performing Inventory
  • Item Performance – Curated Styles

Identifying the top 20% your items and vendors that account for 80% of your bridal store sales is important as it allows you to see what items and vendors are working in your bridal store and what may be falling short. Poppy’s Sales by Vendor, Item Sales Trend, Top Selling Special Order by Vendor, and Top Selling Special Order by Item reports will help you and your team clearly see how your inventory is performing.

Not every item or vendor you choose for your bridal store is going to be a smash hit, which is understandable. Taking a look at the Non Performing Inventory and Item Performance – Curated Styles reports will help you see what’s not working and what your bridal customers are looking for, trying on, and not buying. These reports can also help you and your staff navigate how to make money on the items that brides aren’t ‘saying yes’ to, yet.


Report to use:

  • Budget vs Spend
  • Sales Averages
  • Sales per Hour

Key Performance Indicators are meant to help businesses determine if what they are doing is successful or needs improvement. Your Poppy Sales Analysis reports hold key data to help you evaluate if your inventory is performing like an ‘All Star‘ (RIP Steve Harwell).

View your Budget vs Spend report in Poppy to see if your average transaction should increase. Is the price you are selling items in your store aligned with your brides’ budgets? This report will help you to see if money is being left on the table.

Use Sales Averages and Sales per Hour reports to see your bridal store’s item per transaction, average dollars per sale, and sales per hour. From there, you can evaluate this data at an employee level to help your team achieve their individual sales goals based on your bridal store’s averages.


Reports to use:

  • How Heard-Evaluation
  • Zip Code-Evaluation
  • Appointment Count by Day of the Week
  • Appointment Count by Month

Using data to drive where you spend your marketing dollars will be more efficient and cost effective ways to get in front of your potential customers. Poppy’s Marketing fueled reports will help you know when and where your audience is coming from and how to get in front of more of bridal prospects!

Evaluating both the How Heard-Evaluation and Zip Code-Evaluation reports within the Marketing section of Poppy’s reports will help you track the ROI (return on investment) from your existing marketing efforts and show you where to adjust your spend to get the best bang for your buck and capitalize on what is working!

Do you know if your bridal shop hours align with when bridal customers want to shop? Both the Appointment Count by Day of the Week and Month, will help you determine if there are cost savings or if a day/month is consistently underperforming. For example, are you open on a day of the week that is consistently slow, but have brides sitting on a waitlist on a day of the week with limited open hours? These reports will help you see the revenue gaps you may want to fill or take advantage of!

Have questions about Poppy Reports? Reach out to our amazing support team at

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