Benefits of Offering Payment Plans at Your Bridal Store

For many, shopping for the perfect dress is a once in a lifetime experience that comes with a hefty price tag. As a store owner, you’ve likely encountered a bride or two who have champagne taste on a lemonade budget. Utilizing payment plans at your store will not only get a bride closer to popping the bubbly on a dress with a higher price point, but also ensure she feels good about it.
Payment plans and layaway are a great way for stores to increase their bottom line while enhancing the bridal experience. Below are are a few ways payment plans can benefit your bridal store:
Increase in Sales
Offering payment plans, as mentioned above, gives stylist the opportunity to stretch a budget, upsell, and have a bride say ‘yes’ to a dress or item they normally would have deemed ‘too expensive’.
Payment plans don’t have to be free, in Poppy stores can decide if they want to charge an additional percentage or dollar amount fee to customers utilizing this payment method. Overtime this small fee can add up and impact your revenue in a very positive way.
Less Time Chasing Balances Due
Gone are the days of chasing down that final payment. Setting up payment plans for your customers, keeps their payments on an automatic, recurring collection from a card on file. Collecting payment on a recurring schedule ensures you get paid on time, every time. Within Poppy, future payments within a plan are shown directly on the sales order, as well as, on the customer’s profile.
Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Every store owner and stylists wants their brides leaving their stores confident and excited about their purchase. So, having the option to make a big price tag into a handful of smaller, less daunting payments can mean all the difference to bride’s mood and mental state about their decision. History will show that happy brides, leave great reviews, tell their friends and post on social media.
Competitive Advantage
By having payment plans as an option, you may be offering something your competitors aren’t, accessibility. Price conscience brides who may not have looked at your store before now can see it as a possibility. In Poppy, stores have the flexibility to set the parameters of each payment plan as they are being set up. Not all brides have the same needs and being able to meet those needs in an agile way can set you apart from the bridal boutique down the road.
Want to learn more about Poppy’s payment plan feature?
View a quick tutorial video or book a demo with a Poppy consultant to see how Poppy can make running your bridal business a little more effortless.