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HOW TO: Set Up Special Hours

While you can stick with just setting up your main business hours, in the next tab over, Poppy also gives you the option to set up special hours! The Special Hours tab allows you to create specific dates that sit on top of your existing business hours, and override those business hour dates and times.

Here are some ideas for how to use the special hours tab:

  • Store Closed for the holidays/vacations.
  • Extending your business hours for special sales or events.
  • One-off dates when the store will be closed for a few hours during the day.
  • Closing your store briefly mid-day for a team meeting.

Add/edit special hours:

Navigate to the ‘Store Management’ from the Main Menu icon in the top left corner.

  • Click ‘Store Profile‘ on within the fixed left navigation
  • In this page view, select the ‘Store Hours‘ tab at the top, then ‘Special Hours’ tab under the Business Hours section.
special hours seasonal hours
  • At the bottom, right-hand side of the section, click theto add your special hours or to split your open hours. 
+ special hours
  • Next, fill in the following fields:
    • Description of your special hour entry: Name the occasion to make it easy for you or other users to see why these hours are here.
    • Date: Select the date you want these hours to take affect.
    • Open from: Choose the time you want to start the time block.
    • Open to: Choose the time you want to end the time block.
    • Closed All Day: toggle this on to green, if you want your event to last all day.
  • (Optional) If you would like your store to be unavailable for just a few hours in the middle of the day, click the button directly under the ‘Open From‘ and ‘Open To‘ drop downs . This will allow you to create specific time blocks of availability and leave out the specific gap of time that your store will be closed. 
+ block hours
  • Click, “Save“.