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HOW TO: Create a ‘How You Heard” Tag

We suggest implementing this feature as there is a corresponding report that will help you determine how effective your marketing efforts are and where you should be investing your time and money to engage your customers.

Navigate to Store Management from the main menu icon  in the top left corner.

  • Next, click the Store Profile tile on the left hand navigation.
  • Then select the Customer Requirements tab in the middle of the screen

From here you will be able to set up the your tags on how a customer heard about your store.

  • To active or deactivate pre-existing option click the ‘how you heard’ name, i.e. Facebook, TikTok, Google
    • Deactivating a ‘how you heard’ option means it will no longer see it or be able to assign it to a customer’s profile. Removing it from the drop down options. You cannot delete a default option, only deactivate.

Create a New “How you heard” Option/Tag

  • Click the radio button next to the word ‘Other’
  • Name your method of marketing or ‘how you heard’ tag
    • To add multiple options at once click the small + sign
  • Click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

To delete (not deactivate) an option/tag you created, Click the ‘x’ next to the name. If this option/tag is assigned to a customer you’ve created you will be prompted to confirm you want to delete it (see below) as it will remove it from their profile.